Thursday, April 2, 2009

Syajie my little elf





Syajie has been really helpful of late. He helps me with chores around the house like mopping, dusting etc. He's really good at making himself useful. Recently, he has found his niche as a 'pencil sharpener' at the tuition center. He takes his job specs seriously by lining up his 'tools of the trade' ~ sharpeners of different shapes and colours. He stops students from sharpening their pencils dead in their tracks and assumes that it's his job to do so. He's actually good at sharpening pencils...Thank you, Allah, for this little elf...
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anedra said...

Child labour! Hehe!

What a beautiful little nephew I have! Thank you Allah for brightening our lives with lil Syajie!

Sweet Serenity said...

His little hands sure come in handy...let me know when you need help washing your car-sss. He makes a good 'topless car-washer'!!