Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Apple of my eye...



In the mid 70's, following the departure of my grandfather, it seemed that life had dealt us a terrible blow. There was hardly any reason to smile or laugh and then, suddenly, all that sadness and sorrow came to a screeching halt on the 12th of April, about 10 days after my grandfather passed away...Dena was born!!! She was my first cousin, my doll, my baby, my everything!

When we first took her home to my aunt's house in Bangsar, we were so excited and thereafter, nothing could stop me from spending my weekends in Bangsar. Even on the weekends that my aunt had to balik kampung to Kuala Pilah, thick-skinned me would be part of the entourage... I remember, we would sit and wait outside the door while she slept, having been kicked out by Tok or Tok Nek. And we'd wait until they dozed off and stealthily creep in to shower the little bundle of joy with gazillion kisses, only to have the upside of our heads smacked with a cloth napkin and thrown out of the room by the uncompromising Tok Nek. Then, there were times when we'd kiss the baby on the lips, only to get our heads smacked yet again, for spreading germs to this precious little wonder. But did we learn our lesson? Oh noo, we couldn't get enough and when the weekend was over and it was time to go back to our house in Kampung Tengku, I'd kissed her until I was sure I could hold her scent for another week!!

In those years, the exam for primary school was held in Std 5. I fared miserably because all I could think of was being with my Dena on the weekends. The pix above shows Dena in Mak Teh's arms on my 11th birthday. She was my pride and my joy, the best birthday present, ever!

When my aunt announced that they were leaving for Kansas for a few years, I was so heart-broken. My brother, Am and I would huddle and plot different ways to make them leave Dena behind. Yeah, there wasn't a doubt in our hearts and minds that we could take care of her and her every need, but just don't take her away from us. When she left, gone were the days when I'd wait outside for hours, at the slightest hint that she might be visiting and of course, gone too were my weekend escapades for there was nothing else to look forward to after that.

On the night of her wedding, I cried myself to sleep in New Jersey and couldn't stand the thought of missing her wedding. And when news came that she was expecting her first baby, I felt really awful as I had wanted so much to be there to welcome my new nephew.

Well, the best consolation is now, I'm back in Malaysia and although this bundle of joy has now turned 34 and is a tad bit heavy to carry in my arms, I'd still shower her with a gazillion kisses because, Dena, you'll never, ever know just how much I love you and how much you mean to me!! You'll always remain the apple of my eye, albeit a plump and juicy one now...May Allah bless you always, and I certainly look forward to spending lots and lots more birthdays with you. Happy Birthday, sayang!! Pix above also shows the rest of cousins and anak menakans that came after you...Happy Birthday from all of us!!
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Kak Teh said...

Oli, while you were crying in New Jersey on the day of her wedding, I was crying my eyes out in Paris. I was on an assignment and couldnt make it home.
Happy birthday dena - love you lots and lots!

why aaaa you have to out that pix, oli?

anedra said...

Kak Oli - Awwwww, this is so so sweeet! I never knew all this! Brought tears to my eyes and a big lump in my throat! Love ya lots lots lots too!

Mak teh - thank you mak teh! love ya lots and lots too!

ajieothman said...

PAK AJIE WAS CRYING TOO BUT COULDNT REMEMBER WHERE I WAS AT THAT TIME, BUT I KNOW I CRIED.... I cried indeed after I felt the emptiness of loosing a father, a week later I was at the hospital somewhre in Pantai Kl to visit you and yr mom. Nonetheless God works in miraculous way, your presence to this world indeed brought a lot of joy to us despite the recent loss of my father.. God blessed our family with great love and kindness so stay close as this family is the most precious gift from Allah to us. Happy Bday to my dearest Niece....

anedra said...

Thanks Pak Aji!!

ummisara said...

hehehe....kak teh lah tuh yer yang dukung Dena..

belated birthday dena.