Wednesday, April 29, 2009

o my grandma has a farm...



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Kak Teh said...

oli, i love the last picture....hahaha! Must be grandma's favourite.

ajieothman said...

Sekali tengok macam Am, but then... the last one got your smile pulak hahahaha.

Kak Teh said...

kak teh setuju sangat la ajie. Tapi bil akak teh pejam sebelah mata nampak macam ajie pulak!

Sweet Serenity said...

very funny...pak jie and makteh...pejam dua belah mata nampak lamb chops ~ yummy!!!

Kak Liah said...

"Mahad" is our favourite! he stands at 5ft 8in and about 80-90kg!Itu baru l8month old. baru2 ni, he gave me a playful nudge and I ended up with a very bruised blue-black thigh! Yes Oli, lamb chop and steak is always available....anytime. Come over Ah.Ajie.Dina, Kaksu everybody,just give me ample notice to thaw out the ribs or shoulder....

Kak Teh said...

laaa kak, sampai hati cakap pasai pet macam tu! Nak makan macammana? pejam dua belah mata? atau kita pi steakhouse saja lah!

Oh kalau kaum kerabat belum tau - tolong pi beli Her World Issue May - ada gambar dan article yang mungkin kak nak baca.

Kak Liah said...

kak teh oi, kalau pet susah juga nak makan, pejam mata macamanapun nampak juga.Tapi kita ada yg tak berapa favourite untuk buat khenduri dan spare dlm freezer untuk sedara2 makan.Dah baca article Ah,every time I read your articles abt Mak or Pak, mesti nangis. Yes Ah, there are no words to describe our love for Mak,only doa kpd Allah sw smoga beri kesihatan dan kesahjerataan kpdnya. Look closely at her picture and u can see/feel the undying love and warmth that she has for all of us.Thanks for including us in her World!

Awang Goneng said...

Wow, goats! I love goats. They eat paper and trees and things. But these are posh goats, right? They look awesome. They should be given the vote.

Kak Liah said...

Hei Awang Goneng! Lama tak dengaq cerita dari Awang! Had your cuppa tea already?My kambing has banana skin (courtesy of gerai gorpis) for sarapan and goat pellets for tea!pampered brats.No plastic please! I"m toying with the idea of putting him (Mahad) for the comming MAHA show, but then I have to sleep in the pen with him...tak payah lah!I know you love goats, remembered the small lidah you use to bring back from the butchers.salam.

Faizal R said...

comelnya tanduk dia

Julia said...

very funny...pak jie and makteh...pejam dua belah mata nampak lamb chops ~ yummy!!!