Thursday, July 23, 2009

Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue...




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Last weekend, my cousin, who's not quite so little anymore, got hitched in a simple but awfully sweet engagement ceremony. Welcome, dear new cousin to the family. We're SO SO looking forward to the BIG day in December (which begs the question ~ what to wear, what to wear?)

The event also reunited Tok with her 'besan', Tok Som, whom I haven't seen in a while. Surprised she still remembers me. Back in the day when Tok Yun was far away, she was the one who was near and dear...and welcomed me with open arms each time I tagged along Pak Ngah and Mak Ngah's visit to Kuala Pilah...

Rest of the week saw me munching off chocolates courtesy of Mak Teh!! Yeay...she and Pak Teh Awang Goneng stopped by yesterday and dropped off ample supply of chocolates from London...have hidden the Terry's chocolate orange in the deep recesses of my fridge to be consumed and savored when everyone in the household is fast asleep!! (he he)


anedra said...

what to wear ya?? I dah confirm that one of my outfits, temanya adalahh purple - sbb that's what my baju raya will be. the rest??? we have another 3 more occassions to dress up for tau!

geramnya tgk syajie, tak puas lepas rindu kat dia the other day. hope to see u tomoro??

Sweet Serenity said...

purple, think I can loose like 10 kg before the big day? Baju kalau size 48 ke atas cost rm 10 more..depa kata pasai kena pakai kain banyak ...sigh
..tulah kalau beli baju la ni kena three in one la, so boleh pakai for the 3 occasions..
yeah, definitely see u tomorrow. Heard soto is in the offering...pls, pls bring baby nasha. I want to cium her puas-puas and take lots of pix!!Those chocs mak teh gave is certainly not helping but sharing them is definitely not an option!!